1. First Name, Last Name (real ones)

Andrei Semianenka

My photo

2. Contact Info (add several ways to contact you)

tel: +375447654855 (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp);
skype: semenetti

3. Summary (your goal, wishes, reveal what is important for you, what do you want and why).

Learning a new language and become an expert in JS;

Finding and keeping a healthy work-life balance in EPAM with time for friends and family;

Living with integrity, being honest and open with others;

Being a great listener so that others can turn to me.

4. Skills (e.g. programming languages, frameworks, methodologies, version control, tools etc.)





5. Code examples (LATEST)

Not so far, but I intend to finish Rs school and become a good programmer. Here is some code from Internet:

if (isAwesome){
return true

6. Experience (for a Junior Dev it means all kinds of experience: coding tests, projects from courses, freelance projects - wherever they had the opportunity to demonstrate skills they have. Also it would be awesome if you add links to source code).

Self-study online courses (HTML, CSS, LESS), as well as through Youtube.

7. Education (including courses, seminars, lectures, online learning)

Belarusian State University - Layer.

Belarusian State Economic University - Logistics.

8. English (elaborate on what kind of practice you had, if any, how long it lasted and so on)

A2 or maybe little higher.